White Lilies


These white lilies are painted on a page from a vintage 1924 edition of The Little Princess. On the reverse side is this text:

"There are fields and fields of flowers," she said, forgetting herself, as usual, when she began, and talking rather as if she were in a dream���"fields and fields of lilies��� and when the soft wind blows over them it wafts the scent of them into the air���and everybody always breathes it, because the soft wind is always blowing. And little children run about in the lily-fields and gather armsful of them, and laugh and make little wreaths. And the streets are shining. And no one is ever tired, however far they walk. They can float anywhere they like. And there are walls made of pearl and gold all round the city, but they are low enough for the people to go and lean on them, and look down on to the earth and smile, and send beautiful messages."

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Part of a series of work painted in gouache and watercolor on vintage printing paper that is nearly 100 years old. These paintings are very delicate, as you might expect on such elderly paper, and should be framed under glass and protected from moisture and sunlight. 

Painting will fit a 5” x 7” mat. Each full page varies slightly in size, but are roughly 6” x 8.5” if you prefer to use a custom mat to display whole page.

Mats not included.

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