Another Strange Holiday: International Bagpipe Day
Margaret Sloan Margaret Sloan

Another Strange Holiday: International Bagpipe Day

Bagpipes, the ultimate in balky reed instruments, are traditional throughout the world. My favorite are the Irish Uilleann pipes, or Irish pipes, which are the kind of pipes my friend Mike is playing in the painting above. And not surprisingly, today is also International Uilleann Bagpipe day, named by the Na Píobairí Uilleann society that celebrates all things about the iconic Irish instrument.

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The Blue of Distance: Young girl dancing as only the goddess can dance
Margaret Sloan Margaret Sloan

The Blue of Distance: Young girl dancing as only the goddess can dance

I’ve been dreaming about this image for awhile, inspired by an old photograph I found in my grandmother’s box of family ephemera. I don’t know who the girl is, or what she is doing. But she seems to be doing something, a thing at which I want her to succeed. I feel a purpose and a power in this image, a story that’s common to many women, although I don’t know what that story might be.

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Don't let imposter syndrome keep you from going places
Margaret Sloan Margaret Sloan

Don't let imposter syndrome keep you from going places

Maybe what we need to understand is that we can make our own bridges. Or maybe we don’t need bridges. Maybe we can hop, fly, dance, or leap across distances where we can’t see bridges. Or maybe we create our own bridges that go to destinations we’ve imagined incompletely, destinations no one else knows exist.

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Foxes in the Moonlight
Margaret Sloan Margaret Sloan

Foxes in the Moonlight

Then suddenly there was barking of foxes all around, as if a chorus line of animals were running through the dark. The sound echoed and chuffed; amplified, it filled the spaces between the houses with reverberations as dusty and crisp as old lace.

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