Five easy ways to celebrate Lughnasa
Harvest Moon
Watercolor on Aquabord
5” x 7”
Small rituals to celebrate the Celtic Holiday of Lughnasa
I know. We’re all busy. Sometimes too busy to do the things that are important to us. But even a brief break for a small ritual and ceremony on Lughnasa makes a special day even more special.
These are small ceremonies you can do to celebrate Lughnasa (or Lunasa) to celebrate the Celtic festival for the beginning of the harvest season and connect with nature and yourself.
Make a little feast
This doesn’t have to be a major cooking event. Slice some fresh fruit (a nice summery way to celebrate the beginning of harvest at Lughnasa) into a bowl and add a scoop of ice cream or a dollop of yogurt. Or arrange cookies on a beautiful plate and enjoy them slowly with gratitude for sweetness.Watch the moon
Watch the moon rise, if you can carve out the time. If not, she’ll be on full sail through the sky all night. Look out a window, or step outside to admire her for a moment and say hello.Light a candle
I know, you’re supposed to build a bonfire on Lughnasa, but with all the fire danger, bonfires seem passé. The flame of a candle will cheer up the night and give you something to stare at that isn’t a screen!Touch nature
Celtic holidays like Lughnasa bring you closer to nature. Take a walk. Look out the window. Water your houseplants. Connect with the earth in some way and appreciate her abundance.Connect with your days
Download a Nature Calendar Wheel and paste it into you journal and make your first entry on Lughnasa so you can ground your days in the cycles of the earth. (Sign up here).
Harvest Moon
Painting is available here
This small painting of a goddess celebrates the earth and the moon during the entire harvest season.